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Christine Semler Christine Semler

Reasons to Garden

Is there anything better than fresh food? How about stepping right outside your door where you can pick your own?

Gardening once was a normal part of life for people but now a lot of us rely on the grocery stores and other methods for our food supply. Understandably as it may be an easier option but if the quality of your food is a top priority then gardening might be a great thing to try! Even though times have changed we all have the ability to garden, no matter how big or small your space may be, a productive garden is possible. Gardening is what you make it. Truth is, time is also what you make it.

Why not utilize the time we have and learn to grow our own food. Have you ever heard of victory gardens? Back in World War I and World War II citizens were encouraged to grow their own gardens to relieve some of the burden on the public food supply chain and to help with the risk of a food shortage. With current events I felt myself thinking (which is a usual thought but was definitely heightened during this pandemic) how important it is for people to be able to have access to a reliable and fresh food supply. Food is essential. Nutrients are essential in order to stay healthy. If our food system is at risk, so are we.

This is one reason we started building custom raised beds to encourage gardening and make the first step of starting a garden less overwhelming. These type of gardens may have more of an upfront cost due to materials and building but are easy to maintain, will last many years while maximizing space and production. Raised bed gardens add soil on top of the existing ground allowing you to grow in quality and nutrient rich soil. You can have the peace of mind and do not have to worry about harmful chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, gas “ripening” agents, genetic engineering, preservatives, artificial colors, irradiated ingredients and other unsanitary and unhealthy growing conditions.

You are in control of what goes in your body,

Having a garden let’s you have access to fresh AND organic food at a fraction of the cost. When you plant organic and non-GMO seeds this provides a safer ecosystem for bees, and other insects that pollinate a third of all food on earth. This also helps other farmers and agricultural practices result in healthier soil, water and communities!

Gardening is a great activity for anyone. Solo, families, children and communities. Think about what children can learn. What it takes to care for something, the result or reward at the end of all your hard work and effort, promote healthy habits, or maybe something doesn’t grow like you thought so you can learn what to do better next time - the list could go on with valuable, simple things gardening teaches us all no matter what age in a fun way.

Unfortunately, the cost of food will most likely continue to rise and grocery bills can already be pretty high! Chances are you might not be able to produce ALL of your food but even a fraction can make a difference and that’s when supporting your local farmers is just as important!

There are so many options when it comes to gardening from raised beds, vertical gardening, a traditional garden plot, containers for patios and balconies to indoor herb gardens! You can check out our garden section here.

Together we can create a more sustainable way of living for future generations and just a few reasons I believe we should do more gardening :)

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Christine Semler Christine Semler

What is Matcha?

A little bit about Matcha.

Matcha is a special type of powdered green tea usually produced in Japan. The sun creates it’s beautiful bright green color while increasing its chlorophyll content in the last few weeks of growth. The leaves go through a process where they are carefully ground with stone producing this delicious and beneficial powder.

My number one reason for loving matcha is the boost of energy without the jitters.

The harvest process increases the L-Theanine content which is an amino acid that helps balance the caffeine. This gives matcha a calming effect and for me, I don’t “crash” after having a cup like I sometimes do with coffee. The L-Theanine helps stimulate the alpha brain waves known for helping increase focus and concentration.

Matcha is loaded with antioxidants.

In fact, I learned this type of tea consists of over 60X the amount of antioxidants found in spinach and over 7X the amount found in quality dark chocolate.

Matcha has a lot of great benefits from boosting brain function, promoting heart health, and more.

Also, it is easy to prepare. Check out my Ginger Turmeric Matcha recipe here.

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Christine Semler Christine Semler

Creating YOUR Ideal Morning Routine

When we wake up, we want to set the tone for the day. It would be IDEAL to wake up on the right side of the bed, but that doesn’t always happen! Some days will be easier than others. Some days we will over sleep. Some days we will forget. Some days we will need more rest. Some days we may just not feel like it. However, if the intention and the awareness is there, your morning routine can a wonderful and very effective way to start the day. Creating your routine doesn’t have to be done all at once, in fact I encourage the complete opposite. We don’t want to overwhelm ourselves and then stop if we fail. Rather, a little at a time and after a while you will find these thing will become habits and you’ll do without thinking twice. The key with anything, is consistency.

  1. Make Your Bed

    Making your bed is good for your brain. How? Think of that feeling of a clean environment, like when you clean off your desk, the office, or home. Naturally, you have a clearer mind.

    Then when you come home at night or after a long day, its full circle back to the feeling of “success”

2. Drink Water

Ideally, warm or room temperature. Our brains are 80% water and when you sleep you lose water. A lot of people are also dehydrated or forget to drink water through out the day. If you do this in the morning you brain and body will thank you as its very important to stay hydrated.

3. Brush your teeth with the OPPOSITE HAND

This creates more neuro-connections in the brain!

4. Deep Breathing Exercises or Meditation

This can be 1-2 minutes of just being still and connecting to your breath. Doing these exercises will bring oxygen to the brain and make you feel good. It will can carry over throughout the day and in times of mental fatigue, just stop or pause to reconnect, No one will even know your doing it! It doesn’t have to be fancy lotus pose, candles and incense.

If new, try placing one hand on your heart and one on your belly. Sit or lie down comfortably and just feel the rise and fall with each inhale and exhale. Breathe and let go.

Simply checking in with awareness is meditating to me.

(Learning more breathing exercises I would love to help if its something of interest.)

5. Journal

Take a few moments to write down your thoughts. Maybe even organize your day if you have a lot on your plate. Boost your brain power, creative thinking, express yourself! This can be very enjoyable with your morning coffee or tea.

6. Gratitude

Jot down three things your most grateful for. The things you already have and things that money can’t buy.

7. Movement

Again, something quick even 5 minutes just to get your heart beat going. More blood flow and oxygen to your brain. This does not have to be your exercise for the day or maybe this is the beginning of getting into exercising more!

8. Read

A few pages a day goes a long way! Keep your brain active. Before you know it you will find yourself finishing books you’ve been wanting to read but don’t have the time to sit down. Maybe you don’t like reading but it’s good for you. Maybe you wish to read more. Read out loud with someone in the house. Here is that opportunity without giving it too much thought.

9. Get Fresh Air and Sunlight

Not only does it boost our immune systems but it will simply just make you feel good

10. What is that one thing you wish you had time for?

I am sure there is something on this list that you can think of that you would LOVE to be part of your morning routine. Start small and be easy on yourself! Eventually, you might add new things or remove things that do and do not work for you.

Lastly, if you have kids, even better.

Don’t let anything stop your morning routine, instead ask or encourage others to join and HAVE FUN with it!

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